Just like most days, January 23, 2025, also saw several Bollywood celebs out and about in the city. The paparazzi spotted Randhir Kapoor and Babita visiting ailing Saif Ali Khan at his Bandra house.
Saif Ali Khan finally returned home after being treated for the multiple injuries he sustained during the attack at his home. Now, reports suggest that it was his friend who took him to the hospital.
There is still more than what meets the eye in matters relating to the recent attack on Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan and the arrest of the accused Shariful Islam Shehzad Mohammad Amin Fakir for his ...
Illegal Bangladeshi migrant Shariful Fakir (30), arrested for breaking into actor Saif Ali Khan's Bandra residence and stabbing him on Jan 16,.
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In a significant twist in the Saif Ali Khan attack case, police have made key breakthroughs in their investigation.
Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan expressed heartfelt thanks to an auto-rickshaw driver who rushed him to the hospital after a ...
Saif Ali Khan's recovery from a stabbing incident is hailed as a medical miracle. Shiv Sena MP Sanjay Raut and leader Sanjay ...
The security guards at Saif Ali Khan's Satguru Sharan residence were sleeping when the attack took place on the actor.
Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan left a hospital in India’s financial capital Mumbai on Tuesday, less than a week after he ...