An Oklahoma state lawmaker has asked the attorney general to weigh in on the legality of using legislatively-appropriated ...
The changes come after the nonprofit news outlet Oklahoma Watch published a story that chronicled how the Education ...
It must be nice to have $3 million stuffed in the couch cushions of your office. Because that’s essentially what Oklahoma ...
How can we expect Oklahoma’s children to understand and value constitutional rights when those in charge of their education ...
Ryan Walters has said he wants Bibles in every Oklahoma classroom. Experts say the specifics of his plan raise legal ...
State schools Superintendent Ryan Walters expressed optimism Wednesday that more than a dozen lawsuits filed against him ...
Attorney General Gentner Drummond told schools Superintendent Ryan Walters to figure out how to quickly buy and distribute ...
"Waiting more than a year ... and now requiring school districts to individually procure emergency inhalers is neither speedy ...
State Superintendent Ryan Walters claims immunity as a government official in seeking dismissal of a defamation case brought ...
State Superintendent Ryan Walters says he was fulfilling his official duties when he called a district school superintendent ...
The requirements set by the state superintendent match the "God Bless the USA Bible" that Trump urged his supporters to begin ...
Attorney General Gentner Drummond sharply criticized State Superintendent Ryan Walters and the Oklahoma State Education Department for delays in distributing emergency inhalers to public schools.