When shall thee meet again?  In thunder, lightning, or in rain? …When the hurlyburly’s done. ALL:  …Fair is foul and foul is ...
In approaching the play for a new production at A Noise Within, director Andi Chapman has grappled with these facets of the ...
So You Haven't Read the cursed story of Macbeth?! Well, pull up a seat and get ready for some epic Shakespearian burns, mystical tales, and of course death! As we break down and explain just what ...
So, does it work? Largely. Certainly, those familiar with leads David Tennant ( Dr. Who) and Cush Jumbo ( The Good Fight ), ...
The first performance of UCR's staging of “Macbeth” will be Feb. 13 at 8 p.m. in the Studio Theatre. Additional performances ...
In the first hour of "Connections with Evan Dawson" on Feb. 7, 2025, guest host Matt DeTurck welcomes members of the Company ...
A new production of “Macbeth,” directed by Andi Chapman and set against the haunting backdrop of New Orleans from the late ...
The sort of throngs you’d expect for a generational prize fight—all of them hoping to get a ticket to the most sensational ...
The talented performers at Nottingham Shakespeare Company are back in action with an eagerly-awaited touring production of The Tragedy Of Macbeth, which can be seen from this week at a number of ...
The Australian Shakespeare Company offer an expedited but faithful adaptation of Macbeth in the Royal Botanic Gardens.