The Virginia Legislative Black Caucus released a statement condemning Gov. Glen Youngkin for commuting a former Fairfax ...
As Fairfax County Public Schools weighs options for middle school start times, parents in the Northern Virginia school ...
Dignitaries spoke, the Virginia Gentlemen crooned and Cavman mugged for photos with guests, all part of Friday’s grand ...
Unlike divisible assets, such as land or financial instruments, human embryos are unique biological entities, wrote Fairfax ...
— Former Rep. Denver Riggleman, a full-time distiller of small-batch spirits in Nelson County, speaking about the stretch of ...
Fairfax County Board of Supervisors Chairman Jeff McKay has a blunt message for Gov. Glenn Youngkin: stand up to President ...
When Fairfax County police confronted Stephen Smerk, he was married and raising two high school-aged children in a quiet town ...
Spring and summer camp registration is open in Fairfax County and 7News is asking Fairfax County if kids are safe to use county rec centers for camp?
The proposed 2026 budget includes $60 million in cuts. About 40% of those cuts would be to police and fire services.
Del. Holly Seibold, D-Fairfax, introduced House Bill 1941 and Sen. Saddam Salim, D-Fairfax, introduced Senate Bill 1166. The ...