Season 14 offers players an entirely new way of approaching the world of Sea of Thieves, with a myriad of details to sink ...
Your Armoury expands again! The Grapple Gun has been added to your loadout options, offering a new method of traversal to ...
Explore a vast open world of unspoiled islands, sunken ships and mysterious artefacts. Seek out lost treasure, confront cursed Skeleton Captains and protect precious Trading Company cargo. Go hunting ...
Говорят, что лучшая защита — это нападение. С этим сложно поспорить, особенно если у вас есть пушки. К счастью, в пиратской лавке появились ...
Здравствуйте разработчики Sea of Thieves, в вашей игре есть глобальная проблема когда ты ныряешь в подводные арены или ищешь сокровища на островах.
Devious Disguise Awarded to pirates who are most effectively able to conceal their true appearance, whether that involves ...
La communauté de Sea of Thieves brille par sa créativité, mais on sait aussi que vous vous consacrez avec tout autant de talent aux magouilles et facéties en tous genres quand l'occasion se présente.
For crews pledged to the Burning Blade, there is now a short grace period after the Captain leaves the game before the ship begins to sink, to protect from temporary disconnections. When a crew in ...
第十三赛季相当火热,这不仅仅是因为它发生在现实世界中的夏季,也因为游戏中的 Burning Blade 及其猛烈的炮火让大海熊熊燃烧。全新类型的世界活动随之而来,进而在大范围内引发了白热化的 ...
Season 13 has sure been a hot one, and not just because it ran over actual real-world summer. In game, the Burning Blade and its huge fireballs burst onto the seas, offering a brand new type of World ...