Indian Bollywood star Saif Ali Khan was stabbed in a scuffle with an intruder at his home early on Thursday and underwent surgery in hospital, media reports said. The 54-year-old actor was taken to ...
Indian Bollywood star Saif Ali Khan has been stabbed in a scuffle with an intruder at his home and has undergone surgery at a ...
* India has the largest population in the world in the age bracket of 5-24 years with 580 million people, presenting a huge opportunity in the education sector. * India has over 250 million school ...
Amrish Puri won the Filmfare Award for Best Supporting Actor for his remarkable performance in the 1997 film Virasat. Known for his powerful screen presence, Puri played the role of Thakur’s loyal ...
The Indian healthcare market, which was valued at US$ 110 billion in 2016 is now projected to reach US$ 638 billion by 2025. * The healthcare sector, as of 2024, is one of India’s largest employers, ...